Important: Wonder Woman

If you have not seen Wonder Woman yet, I’m taking away your woman card.

Go see it. NOW. And then go see it again. Because it’s fucking important. These are images you, and everyone need to see.

You’re sure as shit I saw it opening weekend. And I almost cried five times, mostly during battle scenes, because I was floored by how I had never seen (or had rarely seen) these things on film before, not treated like a crazy novelty:

-Female directors

-Female directors of action movies

-Female directors of superhero movies

-Female directors of giant summer blockbuster movies

-Women leading on set

-Women leading on-screen

-Women leading in battle

-Women training for battle

-Women with wrinkles and scars, as the most valued people in a society

-Women with wrinkles and scars leading

-Women with wrinkles and scars leading IN BATTLE

-Women with wrinkles IN BATTLE

-Women in a ten minute fight scene doing every single thing you want to see in a ten minute fight scene

-Women whose clothing was completely functional. For moving.  And kicking. And reaching for arrows. And swording. And jumping on and off of horses. While kicking and moving and shooting arrows and swording.

-Women unashamed of their bodies, women who would never even think that they’d be objectified, women using their legs as things that propel them and stabilize them and support them, for everything BUT slow motion sun-flare, looking back over your butt, sexy action girl shots

-Men as secondary characters

-Men as the love interest and quirky sidekick at best. (And one lame generic “Imma destroy humanity!” bad guy.)

-An evil woman villain (because you must be respected to be considered a threat)

-A super smart chemist woman who’s essentially the bad guy army’s secret weapon

-Sincerity, warmth, and lightheartedness that was just nice and human, not record-scratch schmaltzy or dumb

but mostly:

THIS!!!!ww and patti jenkinsgal-gadot-e-patty-jenkins-maxw-654104495214-wonder-woman.530x298wonder-woman-gal-gadot-and-chris-pine-on-world-war-i-setwonder-woman-amazzoni593ff1b91d00002900cc2ac9.jpgmqdefault412ABDF700000578-4596296-image-m-17_1497279646861Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 3.39.06 PM.pngwonder-woman-4gallery-1489058413-wonder-woman-amazons-on-horseback-robin-wrightlandscape-1496864038-wonderwoman-clay-enos-warner-bros-entertainment-inc-ratpac-dune-entertainment-llc-10.jpgmaxresdefault-1.jpgWonder-Woman-Gal-Gadot.pngwwp1jpg-f9b324_1280w.jpgwonder-woman-poster.jpg



It’s not that I want more violence, it’s that showing someone in a violent situation sends a message that says: THEY CAN DO THAT. They are capable. And the way it’s handled in Wonder Woman is: OF COURSE THEY CAN DO THAT. (And this, and that and everything.) It pointed out how crazy it is that we’re totally brainwashed into thinking that woman maybe can’t this or that. This film simply shows women as equal to men. Literally. Just equal. Just doing the same things guys do in every single movie ever. AND IT IS SHOCKING because we simply DON’T SEE THAT.

And that is FUCKED up.

Need more now forever lots please, thank you Patty Jenkins.

(And the writers: Allan Heinberg, Zack Snyder, and Jason Fuchs.)

What is a WorkOutFit?

A WorkOutFit is a LOOK you put together, thoughtfully, to make you feel powerful and confident and energetic as you head into your workout. And every time you check your form in the mirror. It’s The Men’s Warehouse up in there: You’re gonna like the way you look.

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A WorkOutFit is NOT something you just throw on that doesn’t smell too bad.

A WorkOutFit is not a baggy old t-shirt that you should have thrown away years ago, with some soccer shorts or yoga pants. However, it can include a baggy old t-shirt if you give it some diy deconstruction love…

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A WorkOutFit fits well, flatters your figure, supports your body, minimizes jiggle, and covers your bits and blobs. It is not a tech t-shirt and mesh shorts for fuck’s sake. Tech t-shirts somehow look absolutely terrible on everybody.

A WorkOutFit is not a slutty, low-cut, low-rise, jog-bra and boy shorts situation. That is distracting to women (who will glare) and men (who will stare). If you’re serious about working out, dress accordingly.

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A WorkOutFit usually works with layers, for warmth, options, and or to cover/camoflage your/ my wide ass/poofy middle.

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A WorkOutFit isn’t just a top and some bottoms. It works with balance (a tight and a loose, a dark and a bright) and maybe even accessories (sweatbands, watches, activity trackers, hats, headbands) to pull it all together.

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You’ll know you’re wearing a WorkOutFit when you start flexing in the mirror. And posing. And making faces. You’ll know it because you’ll feel it. You’ll feel the absence of “ugh, i’m a big fat floppy blob of gross.” And instead, you’ll feel strong and confident and capable and energized. It’s not about fashion, it’s about changing your mindset. Clothes matter.

Have a great workout! (and WorkOutFit.)

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Why fitness fashion matters.

Hey Aimee, isn’t this super shallow? Writing about losing weight AND on top of that, looking cute while doing it? Well. If you’re a gym bunny who takes slutty butt-selfies and that’s your gig, yeah. That’s totally shallow. Also, cut it out. Go read a book.

Working out to lose weight and feel stronger, more capable and happier is not shallow. And looking good while you do it is actually a scientific tool you can use to make working out easier.

I’m serious. One of my college professors, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson is an expert in social psychology and positive psychology. Look her up, she’s a badass. She did that famous study where they had men and women take math tests with a mirror in the room, with no mirror in the room, and after trying on BATHING SUITS. Guess what happened. The women did worse with the mirror and after the bathing suit. The men did better. How sad is that? Women see themselves and LOSE CONFIDENCE and literally get dumber. Their cognitive ability actually declines. Men see themselves and think “I’m hot shit” and do even better.

Now you might think that focusing on your looks before or during a workout might bring up self-consciousness and self-criticism, and lower your confidence. So why on earth would I have you focus on your looks before working out?

Because you’re going to catch yourself in the mirror no matter what you’re wearing. Even if there is no mirror, you’re going to look down at your thighs at some point. Or feel something jiggling. Or look down your shirt while in a plank and see your stomach sagging down way farther than you thought it would. There’s no avoiding self-awareness completely when working out. SO. You need to do everything in your power to make sure you FEEL POWERFUL when that happens. You need to feel like a guy would. You need a little tip in the “I’m hot shit” direction. You need the good pants and the good bra that are supportive, so you don’t jiggle. You need to wear something wicking so you don’t feel like a sweaty water buffalo. You need to at least cut the neck or arms off of that old T-shirt so it’s apparent that you made some effort and care about what you’re doing. It’s not a message to others, it’s a message to yourself.

It does not have to be a full-on head-to-toe LuluLemon situation. That’s annoying. (And not very creative.) It just has to be something that makes you feel confident, capable, and covered. Something that shows what you like and hides what you don’t. Something that makes it look like you actually like yourself. (And if you don’t like yourself yet, try pretending. Put the outfit on, and when you see yourself in the mirror at the gym, you might start to change your mind.)

Feeling put-together when you work out (wearing WorkOutFits) is not about dressing for others. It’s about dressing to feel good about yourself. It’s pre-emptive psychological warfare against negative self-talk. It communicates respect and enthusiasm for what you’re doing. (Wearing a WorkOutFit says: “I’m into this. I’m here. Let’s do this!”) Also, cute clothes are fun.

If you can’t tell by now, I am super passionate about this. I wrote an entire Piperlime ad campaign  about the power of dressing well. I’ve been a work-from-home person for three years and I KNOW how wearing sloppy clothes affects my work and my mood. I want you to see how changing your clothes can change your outlook.

Try it. Send me before and after outfits. Tell me how it felt. Maybe we’ll send some testimonials to Dr. Fredrickson for an addendum to her article. “The Effect of Fashion on Trig Functions and Tricep Dips” or something like that. 🙂

Anyway. The point is: Get those purple shoes, my friend. They WILL work better than the sad boring ugly white ones.